CIRO is a speculative design project I produced independently. It is an exploration into sustainable technology, our future in regards to screens, operating systems, robotics and overall humane design.

It all takes form in a imaginative company called CiRO (pronounced zero) that is like an alternative future of computer company from the old boom of IBM and Apple. The logo is meant to be very reminiscent of logos from this era. The main sentiment of CiRO is built on this quote by Edward O. Wilson:

“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.”


A new soft robot that incorporates >>>>>>>>

Mainframe | Intranet Server | Assistant | Optimiser | Projector | Mecho–bio-organism | Custodian |

Mainframe | Intranet Server | Assistant | Optimiser | Projector | Mecho–bio-organism | Custodian |

I’m revisiting an old design project in TEO. It’s the soft kind of robot I would have made as a kid combined with the project I did in 2nd year. TEO’s basis was to prevent burn-out particularly in students. It was designed as a soft reminder tool that would apply pomodoro techniques via light and optimise your learning patterns to give you breaks and help your efficiency. It was essentially the idea of taking tasks like optimising and organising that you don’t have time to do as a student or at least can take out a lot of the humanity of your work and creation and allow you to do that part hassle free. 

I’m taking this idea and expanding it to a far wider application. Medicine, therapy, agriculture and the home base. By giving TEO a physical body with movements, he becomes a much larger assistant who’s far more dynamic and useful. It allows us to do more therapeutic applications like hugging, touching etc. I really love this aspect of TEO and I feel like I might end up underplaying it as I’ve felt the current day to day is very work heavy, task oriented and when something has a therapeutic angle tied into a massive workstation, it is a bit confusing. However this is a big part of the challenge and philosophy behind TEO and pitching this into words is my job. I really want to show he can be so hugely practical and then so lovingly soft and I am struggling to convey that. I am often reflecting with some sort of pessimism towards my own creation that I’m projecting from other people’s viewpoints. I do believe in soft compatible machines that can be benevolent and maybe not entirely purposeful but aesthetically valuable. 

The privacy element is in the intranet and mainframe technology that exists as TEO’s main computer. Projecting out all this for everyone in your space or just the sole user, it gives a fair amount of variability and a bit of a return to the ye old computer era where we separated the computer and ourselves. We can use this local network and allow it to extend to others to allow you to build a true private intranet of your own community, giving us the freedom from ISP’s but basing it back into physical location. I ended up taking a focus off this as it felt it diluted the overall concept. 

The bio parts of TEO when I first wrote down the idea felt really compelling and stayed with me throughout the whole project. This backwards thinking of using plants and bio-polymers to construct and power something that is seemingly digital. I begin this with the heart or really the lungs of TEO. Micro-algae is the inner tube, which generates 1000 litres of oxygen that are then stored in 72 elastic pouches that essentially act as batteries of potential energy that can be pumped into the legs of TEO and activate movement. If each pouch can stretch to a 1L capacity, we can have up to 1008 movements in a day. That’s the idea for the stats of the homebase model. Then having 3 more designed was to demonstrate the company’s intention to have more specialisation.

Phone 0

Can we rethink screen interaction?

I wanted to push the barrier for what we would think of as a phone. The body is really just a battery but the shape contextualises the three other devices into a familiar form, which we identify with the purpose of a phone. The main palm controls split into two, either to be worn as a single wearable or allow hand controls on each palm. The top part splits off into a pin that coordinates with the other two.

The main focus here was to make technology disappear. Focusing on non-media devices while still allowing us to have access to communication, computation and power. The palms are semi-transparent so they’ll blend into your skin and with a soft rubbery texture, they’ll feel as invisible as they look. It was key to do this while increasing context-based interaction. Demonstrated here, when you can’t pick up, it’ll schedule to your next available time with a message.

The hardware design was inspired by the way we use our phones, with only about 60% of the screen actually being used by our hands. Taking this and a backlight away, battery efficiency increases exponentially.

A diagram outlining the space we use on a phone today with one hand.

The hand controls that can separate out from the main body.

I had some early versions looking like this olive green and bright orange.

The technical solution is a massive compiler called Gateway. Allowing you to essentially compress programs into separated tools and convert anything to the open platform.

I originally planned to put a focus on projected and AR displays as I see them as an invisible part of life that’ll eventually become normalised. However it’s a very hard sell and a bit harder to communicate so I landed on the Phone parts allowing for that to happen. And a big part of what later becomes a part of CIRO as a whole is developing “the transition”. So having a product in the middle of an iPhone and an invisible piece of technology is important for demonstration and actually really important for the dramatic effect of the entire set piece. That’s where the Phone0 really came into play. 

FrameOS has been a bit of a challenge. It’s a fundamental paradox. A fluid and context based system that adapts and becomes a perfect user-friendly system for incorporating lots of tools with as much ease as the original leap to GUI. The closest we can get in my view is a super accessible but customisable interface. Allowing any part of any program to be separated and brought into any other program.