The challenge was to take an established brand with quite an old and somewhat outdated and even amateur design to a refreshed and professional clean brand.


An established multi-national brand of hydroponic nutrients

I began with this render of pastel coloured boxes and these metallic bottles. This was for an internal pitch to get the rebrand even happening for the Australian distribution. Which was successful and allowed the redesign to go through.

It’s still in talks on changing the logo and removing the rainbow gradient but it’s quite a hard sell for the main owner. But one of the prototypes in the design was to have a black logo to at least give it a cleaner feel without taking out the old design. This change is where I suggested that they progress to a brighter colour scheme to at least match the old logo.

We eventually played the gradient into the scheme but with a fresher mesh style. We approached the merchandising with a focus on the tick rather than the type logo.